personal branding 2019

Maximize Your Personal Brand With Professor Nez

Chris Stone and Jim Fuhs from Dealcasters Live are absolute media superstars! And they have invited me onto their amazing show! Come join us and learn how to take your brand, career and business to the next level in the online ecosystem!

This one promises to be explosive! Check it out Below! Hope to see you all there

#livestreaming #livevideostreaming #amazon #personalbranding #contentcreator #contentmarketing #creatoreconomy #socialmedia #brand #branding #influencermarketing

How To Overcome Perfectionism and Anxiety as a Content Creator: Personal Branding Tips

Perfectionism and anxiety are the silent killers when it comes to discussions on how to become a content creator on YouTube or Facebook, or any of the social media branding sites. We’ve discussed the importance of personal branding a million times over but what really goes into that? What am I supposed to do? Where do I start? Analysis Paralysis starts to creep in and before we know it, we may not ever be aware of it actually, we’ve given up before we started.

In this video below I go through some real world examples from my own personal life and from others that have shared theirs in an attempt to bring more light on this topic and through discourse perhaps we can come up with a viable solution. This really a mindset thang, and I have studied the mind for over 20 years, as most of you know. Let me know what you think in the comments below. I respond to all of them.

Thank you!

How to overcome perfectionism and anxiety. ENROLL IN THE BEST ONLINE TRAINING ACADEMY ON PLANET EARTH: For 30% off any course, Use Coupon Code: NEZNATION Hire me to Speak: Install The Greatest Tool To Build Your YouTube Channel: Get Private One on One Coaching from Professor Nez here: Become a VIP of #NEZNATION: PODCAST: CONNECT with me on LinkedIn:

Best Motivational Keynote Speakers, Personal Branding Keynote Speech: Why Building A Personal Brand Matters

I truly believe in my heart of hearts this is the best motivational keynote speech about Personal Branding on the entire planet. And I am willing to say it loud and proud. Why? Please see for yourself.

The video below contains a keynote speech I gave awhile back for the good folks at Wescom about why building your personal brand in 2019 matters. Why your online reputation and how that affects your personal and professional life, needs to be something in the foreground of your thoughts as we head into a new decade.

I don’t just give speeches, or present information, I really try to come with a mountain of energy, passion, and vigor with an extra dose of humanness. To me, everything is connected and I never just deliver a one dimensional presentation about a specific topic without the background, context and relatability to your life. This is bigger than just personal branding. This is getting your story out there for the world to better understand you. What could be more important than that?

The full speech in its entirety can be viewed below. Let me know what you think. Leave me a comment. I respond to all of them! Thank you!

Content Marketing 2019: How To Grow Your Online Presence

Content Marketing 2019 examples and strategies to help you grow your online presence in the new year. This is a straight forward live master class teaching you how to build and grow your online personal brand that can earn you more income, advance your career and grow your business exponentially in 2019. Check it out and learn from the best.

This is the year you finally invest in creating an online presence. The rewards and opportunities this will afford you beats every other “tactic” you can possibly think of. This is it. Stop living in the past and welcome to the year you do it for you and your family and for the sheer reason that you absolutely must evolve with the times or end up like Blockbuster or Sears.

If you enjoyed the live master class and would like to get a more hands on approach, check out my ‘Work With Me’ page at the top where you can work with me personally one on one and I can teach you exactly what you need to do to take your online brand and presence to the next level.

How to create content that grows your presence in 2019: Personal branding tips. Create content that grows your online presence in 2019.

How to Increase Brand Awareness Through Social Media: Branding Strategy 2019

It’s time folks. You have to stop romanticizing the past and get with the times. Growing your audience with social media is the present state of business, career advancement, community building and modern communications. If you don’t understand the power of using social media to build brand awareness, hypergrow your audience, and catapult your brand and business to the top of the game you will be Blockbuster versus Netflix.

I, for one, would rather be the latter and I want you to understand how you can too with this value jammed video full of the essentials to help guide you in the right direction. I can’t stress enough how my businesses and brand have flourished due to my presence online and how I utilize social media. It is not hard y’all, especially if you have the intelligent strategy, the right strategy moving forward. I can’t wait to hear what you think of this video. It will change your life and business.

Please let me know in the comments below what you thought, and I want to throw this question to you: How do you use social media to grow your audience and brand? What are your best practices and tips? Would love to know. Leave them in the comments below. Thank you!

How To Grow Your Audience Using Social Media: 2019 Branding Strategy.

Personal Branding Tips And Advice: Live Q&A Subscriber Hangout

Do you want direct personal branding tips and advice from a personal branding coach and expert? Well, here you go, check this out!

I don’t do this often, and I definitely would like to plan more of these, but this subscriber hangout Live Q & A was spectacular and I want to do more. In this livestream, with my beautiful #NEZNATION family of insightful, intelligent content creators and business minded leaders, you get answers to key questions about branding, personal branding, business branding, message identity, brand equity, social media marketing, online presence, business strategy and we have an absolute ball. There is no other livestream on earth like a #NEZNATION live stream!

If you have a question about branding that you would like to have answered, please leave a comment below and let me know. I will def get back to you with an answer. Thank you!

Personal branding tips. Livestreaming on YouTube I ask your questions about personal branding tips and advice. Youtube tips.

Why Your Story Matters: How Your Inner Game is Related To Your Success

Why does your story matter at all when it comes to advancing your career and growing your business? And for overall success? If you’ve ever listened to a lecture, keynote speech, or presentation of mine and have been inspired and moved to action then you will relate to this message below.

If you haven’t then welcome to #NEZNATION! I would love your comments below. What do you think? Makes sense? Or not? I would love to know your thoughts.

Personal Branding Examples for Beginners: Common Set Backs Answered

Powerhouse livestream here y’all! As your Personal Branding Coach, I advise you and others who have sent me emails on personal branding examples of problems and set backs that have consistently stopped you from creating an online presence that can advance you career and grow your business.

I hear you, I get all your emails and questions, and I am here in this video to answer the most common problems you’re facing when building your brand. This is a serious value treasure trove of info and advice that you can implement today.

Let me know in the comments what is stopping you? What issues, challenges, or problems do you face when creating a personal brand? I wanna know! Thank you!

Personal Branding Examples

Personal Branding Strategies 2019: Interview with Carlos Gil at VidSummit

Live From #VidSummit - One of the largest, most innovative conferences where you can learn the business of content creation and video marketing.

Where The World’s Top Video Influencers, Video Marketers And Brands Reveal Everything They Know About Turning Videos Into Sales.

This is a short and sweet video interview with Carlos Gil, who is a social media keynote speaker and brand consultant, about the best personal branding strategies you can implement in 2019 to help you grow your business and advance your career. Check it out and let me know in the comments what your best tip is for building your personal brand in 2019. Thank you!

Personal branding strategies 2019. 2019 personal brand strategy. Personal branding tips and best practices with Carlos Gil. VidSummit.

Why Building Your Personal Brand Matters: Personal Branding Strategy 2019

Most of you know I share a ton of free content about how to create and build a personal brand that you can leverage for innumerable business opportunities as well as a step ladder for your career, but in this video I talk about something that is possibly more important that both of those reasons.

Personal Branding is modern communications. Period. There is literally no other place or landscape where the predominant modes of communications, in all forms, is taking place besides the online universe. Or, just the plain old internet. It is here, it’s not going anywhere, and everywhere you look - that is the method of communication that is resonating the most. This is a massive cultural shift over the last decade and if you don’t adapt you are literally non-existent. I got my start in the online space when AOL first started and I was downloading my own essays on a “blog,” which I later turned into my weekly blog on MySpace. Remember them? Of course you do.

I can tell you without a hint of doubt that the communities and people I came to cultivate and know were the backbone of my thriving relationships at the time. Yes, I said it. My internet buddies were just as powerful as my IRL buds. I can’t tell you how many people I would have never had the distinct honor of meeting and laughing with, hanging with, creating with, collaborating with and so forth - had I not decided to create and build a presence online. That’s what this video is all about and I would love for you to leave me a comment below letting me know if you consider creating a personal brand to meet and thrive in new communities and circles of friends? What are the major differences between your IRL friends and your online communities? I would love to know. Thank you for checking it out!

Why building a personal brand is important besides for business or your career.