personal brand 2019

How To Overcome Perfectionism and Anxiety as a Content Creator: Personal Branding Tips

Perfectionism and anxiety are the silent killers when it comes to discussions on how to become a content creator on YouTube or Facebook, or any of the social media branding sites. We’ve discussed the importance of personal branding a million times over but what really goes into that? What am I supposed to do? Where do I start? Analysis Paralysis starts to creep in and before we know it, we may not ever be aware of it actually, we’ve given up before we started.

In this video below I go through some real world examples from my own personal life and from others that have shared theirs in an attempt to bring more light on this topic and through discourse perhaps we can come up with a viable solution. This really a mindset thang, and I have studied the mind for over 20 years, as most of you know. Let me know what you think in the comments below. I respond to all of them.

Thank you!

How to overcome perfectionism and anxiety. ENROLL IN THE BEST ONLINE TRAINING ACADEMY ON PLANET EARTH: For 30% off any course, Use Coupon Code: NEZNATION Hire me to Speak: Install The Greatest Tool To Build Your YouTube Channel: Get Private One on One Coaching from Professor Nez here: Become a VIP of #NEZNATION: PODCAST: CONNECT with me on LinkedIn:

Personal Branding Keynote Speech (part 1): Why Personal Branding Matters

I shot this vlog during my Personal Branding Keynote Speech at the lovely Anaheim Marriott on ‘Why Personal Branding Matters’ in a very experimental way. Never did a Vlog in this format, with a long series style execution and delivery. I think this is the most intimate, behind the scenes, I have ever given you guys. I really think you are going to get soo much out of it!

Let me know what you think and leave me a comment. Thank you!

Personal branding keynote speech: why building a personal brand matters. Personal branding strategy. Personal branding tips. Speech Keynote.

How To Choose The Right Social Media Platform To Build Your Brand

What social media platform should I build my brand on? Where do I even start? There are so many social media platforms out there, which one is right for me? Do these questions stress you out? You are not alone.

In this video I have another in depth conversation with a student of mine about building a brand on the right social media platform. Make sure you watch til the end of the video as we truly get to the heart of what the main struggle and obstacle is beyond simple tactics and strategies. I know this will help you.

Please let me know in the comments below what you thought of the video. Also, please let me know what platforms you create your brand on and why? Thank you!

What platform should I build my brand on? Brand strategy. Personal Branding strategies 2019. Social Media Personal Branding. branding 2019.

How To Create A Personal Brand Organically: Personal Branding Coach

Organic reach still exists when it comes to building your personal brand online. You can create a presence organically by implementing some core concepts and strategies that will extend your influence, thought leadership and help you build a thriving community.

In this video livestream we share some of the best practices that are tangible and real so that you can start today and see results if you’re willing to put in the hard work. Not to say that paid traffic is not useful, but I know that most of you can’t afford, let alone figure out the logistics, to boost posts and pay for ads to amplify your personal brand - so these tips will help you get started and might even be just enough for you, at least that’s my ultimate hope.

Thank you for watching and let me know in the comments what your favorite secret sauce tip is for creating a personal brand with organic reach. Thank you!

Uploaded by Professor Nez on 2018-10-14.

Why Building Your Personal Brand Matters: Personal Branding Strategy 2019

Most of you know I share a ton of free content about how to create and build a personal brand that you can leverage for innumerable business opportunities as well as a step ladder for your career, but in this video I talk about something that is possibly more important that both of those reasons.

Personal Branding is modern communications. Period. There is literally no other place or landscape where the predominant modes of communications, in all forms, is taking place besides the online universe. Or, just the plain old internet. It is here, it’s not going anywhere, and everywhere you look - that is the method of communication that is resonating the most. This is a massive cultural shift over the last decade and if you don’t adapt you are literally non-existent. I got my start in the online space when AOL first started and I was downloading my own essays on a “blog,” which I later turned into my weekly blog on MySpace. Remember them? Of course you do.

I can tell you without a hint of doubt that the communities and people I came to cultivate and know were the backbone of my thriving relationships at the time. Yes, I said it. My internet buddies were just as powerful as my IRL buds. I can’t tell you how many people I would have never had the distinct honor of meeting and laughing with, hanging with, creating with, collaborating with and so forth - had I not decided to create and build a presence online. That’s what this video is all about and I would love for you to leave me a comment below letting me know if you consider creating a personal brand to meet and thrive in new communities and circles of friends? What are the major differences between your IRL friends and your online communities? I would love to know. Thank you for checking it out!

Why building a personal brand is important besides for business or your career.