personal brand mistakes

Personal Branding Tips And Advice: Live Q&A Subscriber Hangout

Do you want direct personal branding tips and advice from a personal branding coach and expert? Well, here you go, check this out!

I don’t do this often, and I definitely would like to plan more of these, but this subscriber hangout Live Q & A was spectacular and I want to do more. In this livestream, with my beautiful #NEZNATION family of insightful, intelligent content creators and business minded leaders, you get answers to key questions about branding, personal branding, business branding, message identity, brand equity, social media marketing, online presence, business strategy and we have an absolute ball. There is no other livestream on earth like a #NEZNATION live stream!

If you have a question about branding that you would like to have answered, please leave a comment below and let me know. I will def get back to you with an answer. Thank you!

Personal branding tips. Livestreaming on YouTube I ask your questions about personal branding tips and advice. Youtube tips.

Personal Branding Examples for Beginners: Common Set Backs Answered

Powerhouse livestream here y’all! As your Personal Branding Coach, I advise you and others who have sent me emails on personal branding examples of problems and set backs that have consistently stopped you from creating an online presence that can advance you career and grow your business.

I hear you, I get all your emails and questions, and I am here in this video to answer the most common problems you’re facing when building your brand. This is a serious value treasure trove of info and advice that you can implement today.

Let me know in the comments what is stopping you? What issues, challenges, or problems do you face when creating a personal brand? I wanna know! Thank you!

Personal Branding Examples

Personal Branding Mistakes That You Should Avoid

We talk a lot about Personal Branding and how important it is to leverage for your business and career. There is plenty of free content on my page to help you with essential tips and best practices for building and creating a powerful Personal Brand, but in this video we delve deep into the mistakes I see a lot of people and businesses make and how you can learn to avoid them.

In this day and age it is virtually impossible to avoid backlash when your actions and behavior online are not the most “brand friendly.” Everything and everyone is watching and the wrong tweet, an angry email, a camera that caught you on a bad day can lead to severe ramifications for your personal brand. Watch this carefully y’all, and learn the best practical, actionable tips to help you retain a reputable personal brand today and tomorrow.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what mistakes you think people make the most that hurt their personal brand. And let me know what you thought of the video. I would love to hear from you and I reply to all the comments.

Thank you!

How to stop hurting your personal brand. Personal branding strategy 2019