
Why Your Story Matters: How Your Inner Game is Related To Your Success

Why does your story matter at all when it comes to advancing your career and growing your business? And for overall success? If you’ve ever listened to a lecture, keynote speech, or presentation of mine and have been inspired and moved to action then you will relate to this message below.

If you haven’t then welcome to #NEZNATION! I would love your comments below. What do you think? Makes sense? Or not? I would love to know your thoughts.

Personal Branding Mistakes That You Should Avoid

We talk a lot about Personal Branding and how important it is to leverage for your business and career. There is plenty of free content on my page to help you with essential tips and best practices for building and creating a powerful Personal Brand, but in this video we delve deep into the mistakes I see a lot of people and businesses make and how you can learn to avoid them.

In this day and age it is virtually impossible to avoid backlash when your actions and behavior online are not the most “brand friendly.” Everything and everyone is watching and the wrong tweet, an angry email, a camera that caught you on a bad day can lead to severe ramifications for your personal brand. Watch this carefully y’all, and learn the best practical, actionable tips to help you retain a reputable personal brand today and tomorrow.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what mistakes you think people make the most that hurt their personal brand. And let me know what you thought of the video. I would love to hear from you and I reply to all the comments.

Thank you!

How to stop hurting your personal brand. Personal branding strategy 2019

The Power of Perspective in Life - Vlog2 Part 2

The power of perspective in life. How to keep perspective in your life. Inspirational video day in the life of Professor Nez Vlog Perspective. Come join the conversation and help us bring more humanness to this digitalness: Get Private One on One Coaching from Professor Nez here: PODCAST: CONNECT with me on LinkedIn: NEED HELP?