
How To Explain Employment Gaps On Your Resume (New & Easy)

Do Employment Gaps On Your Resume Hurt Your Job Search? I get this job search question a lot and I have 3 amazing resume tips to explain employment gaps so you can land that job today. Employment gaps can be very distressing, believe me I deal with this all the time in my Executive Career Coaching business. This video will give you a ton of relief. Let me know what you think and please leave a comment. I would love to hear from you. Thank you!

Resume Writing Master Class: 10 Best Resume Template Building Tips

Resume Writing Master Class: 10 Best Resume Template Building Tips. Resume Templates and resume writing services. Resume examples that are tried and true are discussed in great detail. You don't wanna miss this y'all! This is a channel brought to you by personal branding keynote speaker and coach, author, podcast host, livestreamer, mindset coach, career consultant, professional speaker, online course creator and writing professor Professor Nez.