career coach

Top Ten Job Search Sites in 2020 to Help You Get The Job You Want

These are the Top 10 Job Search Sites in 2020 (Plus Bonus). You will learn exactly which job search sites are for you on your career search journey. These are the best job search sites in 2020 and beyond.

These are the Top 10 Job Search Sites in 2020 (Plus Bonus). You will learn exactly which job search sites are for you on your career search journey. These are the best job search sites in 2020 and beyond.


Resume Master Template

Build The Perfect Resume Template That Makes You Stand Out


How To Get The Job You Really Want: Career Tips From The Co-Founder of Netflix

If you want to get the job you really desire and want then this video below is going to give you the best path forward, guaranteed!! Marc Randolph is the co-founder of the media super giant Netflix and he shares his ultimate career attaining tip that will revolutionize the way you search for jobs in the marketplace.

You need to watch this NOW! It will get you the job you really want. I have used the same strategies and methodologies that Marc espouses and believe me when I say - they work!

Leave a comment and let me know if you think this is something you will deploy for your own job and career search. In what way? I would love to hear from you and I respond to all the comments. Thank you!

How to get the job you really want. Get the job you really want. Career advice from Marc Randolph the co-founder of Netflix. Career Tips. Career advice that helps you get the job.

How To Get A Job Fast: Career Change Master Class

If you want to get a job fast I am rock solid confident that this master class below will help you better than anything.

Raw, Unfiltered, unabashed truths exploding on the screen in this one and you can apply everything that is discussed here to your professional life in all aspects.

I share tried and true methodologies for the best way to get a career and job in the fastest, but more importantly, and most effective way.

There are actual examples and case studies that will help you get a job fast and I even share my own personal story on how I was able to get highly competitive teaching gigs during the worst recession of our time.

Do yourself a BIG favor and check this master class out below and you will definitely thank me later.

Happy job hunting y’all!

How To Get A Career Fast: Job Hunting Master Class. Best job hunting tips and strategies. How to get a career fast using LinkedIn and more in depth, creative job search techniques. This is a channel brought to you by personal branding keynote speaker and coach, author, podcast host, livestreamer, mindset coach, career consultant, professional speaker, online course creator and writing professor Professor Nez.

Resume Writing Master Class: 10 Best Resume Template Building Tips

Resume Writing Master Class: 10 Best Resume Template Building Tips. Resume Templates and resume writing services. Resume examples that are tried and true are discussed in great detail. You don't wanna miss this y'all! This is a channel brought to you by personal branding keynote speaker and coach, author, podcast host, livestreamer, mindset coach, career consultant, professional speaker, online course creator and writing professor Professor Nez.

Job Interview Questions And Answers Sample: 5 Interview Questions and Answers To Get The Gig

In this video you will discover 5 of the most important interview questions and answers to help you get the dream gig of your life and, if you are an employer or business owner, these job interview questions will help you find the ultimate candidate.

Let me know what you thought of the video in the comments below and I would love to hear your own job interview experience. What questions did you feel were pertinent and maybe gave you the most trouble? I would love to hear from you. Thank you!

Executive Resume Writer, Resume Writing Services, Career Coach, LinkedIn ProFinder Consultant: Professor Nez

Career Coach, Resume Writer, Resume Writing Services, LinkedIn Expert, Career Development, Career Strategy and LinkedIn ProFinder Top Consultant Professor Nez at your services.

Please watch the video below as I go in depth with my process and how I operate. Please don't overlook the testimonials and reviews below as well. I have the most current on LinkedIn out of any Executive Career Coach and Resume Writer. I am more than happy to set up a complimentary phone conference for 15 minutes to discuss your situation and answer any questions. 

Click the "BOOK NOW" button below to peruse the offers we provide. We have multiple services at various price points. In order to book a consultation simply click on the service that fits your needs and select your own preferred day and time. Thank you and I look forward to serving you! 

LinkedIn ProFinder Consultant & Career Coach. Resume Writer. Resume Writing Services. Hire a resume writer. Resume Help. Resume consultant. BOOK NOW: RECOMMENDATIONS & TESTIMONIALS: Get a Free Proposal: Once the invoice has been transacted you will receive an official invitation to lock the day and time.

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  1. How can you finish my resume and LinkedIn in just a one hour consultation?

    A: When you book a consultation with me, the work begins immediately. I have an analytics team I work with and we put in hours of work prior to our consultation (and post depending on the service you pick). We implement field research, industry research, resume architecture, keyword optimization and more… By the time we actually meet, 75% of the work is complete. It will be you and I going through everything, personally in the virtual meeting, making sure we are both 100% satisfied that you have a finished product. You are not paying for one hour of work, but many many hours and over 28+ years of exemplary service.

  2. What is the turnaround time?

    A: As soon as the consultation is finished you will have a finished, submittable product. Before it’s over actually, I will send you the finished resume and career resources right before your very own eyes in the virtual conference. (See above answer for more details)

  3. Do you have testimonials and reviews from people who have actually gotten results from your services? And may I contact them?

    A: Absolutely, and absolutely - I would implore you to contact them anytime you wish. You can find testimonials and recommendations from former clients on the ‘Testimonials’ Tab at the very top of this page on the right, or go directly to my LinkedIn profile page for all the latest and most recent reviews and recommendations (I have over 160+) by clicking right here and scrolling down to the bottom of my profile to see them all. You can directly message and contact any of my previous clients conveniently through LinkedIn.

  4. How does the LinkedIn part work? Do I give you my password and you do it yourself?

    A: As a professional who values his relationship with LinkedIn and his own personal ethics and reputation, I would never ask for a clients’ password for two reasons. One: It is a breach of the terms of service for the platform and could potentially warrant a lifetime ban from LinkedIn. Two: And maybe the most important reason I won’t ask you for your password, It does not sit right with me to accrue a password or even ask for a password from a client on a professional level. I know there are a lot of services that are willing to do that, but I am not one of them. Something not right about that on so many levels. How it works is, when we are in the virtual conference I will walk you through exactly what needs to be changed on your LinkedIn profile to give you the most prominent opportunities and professional brand through screen-share. Depending on the service you select, I also construct and compose a lot of the branding elements before hand and we comprehensively apply those elements together in a decisive, simple manner.

  5. What is the sponsored promotion to 20,000 connections? How does that work?

    A: When you contract my services you will become a part of my network and that is valuable in itself because I am a LinkedIn influencer with over 20,000 connections and followers. These are real people, not bought, and I worked very hard for the past twelve years on this platform to build my brand the right way. My connections are mostly comprised of top industry professionals in multiple industries, in short - decision makers in their respective fields and organizations. The sponsored promotion works like this: I will construct a marketing campaign, with carefully crafted copy, sponsoring you, boosting you to my network of 20K+ acting as if I am a headhunter, granting you much valued exposure to the marketplace. This is a huge edge over the competitive landscape. A great majority of my clients have connected with and been hired through this endorsement alone without having to cold email or cold apply. You will also get tagged in the post.

  6. What does the introduction to network of 20,000 industry professionals entail? How does that work?

    A: I have been on the LinkedIn platform since 2007 and pride myself on building REAL, actual relationships with top industry professionals as well as a rock solid brand on LinkedIn garnering over 20K followers. These are all real people, real connections. When you contract my services you will be connected with me and a part of my network. This will allow you to see who I am connected with that may be of benefit to you. I am more than happy to connect and introduce you to anyone that would be advantageous for you. 89% of my connections on LinkedIn are decision makers at their company. This is a huge value add. For example, if you see that I am connected to someone that is a part of an organization or company that you desire to work for, having me as a connector gives you an edge over the competition.

  7. If I have follow up questions or just want to contact you regarding something after our consultation is that allowed or do you charge for that?

    A: Most services will charge for follow up but I like to build long term relationships with my clients and will follow up with them and welcome them to follow up with me anytime, so I do not charge for that whatsoever. Within reason of course ;)

How To Do Well In An Interview

How To Perform Well In An Interview. Interview tips, job career advice. Interview advice. How to do well in an interview. How to do well in a job interview Come help us bring more humanness to this digitalness: Get Private One on One Coaching from Professor Nez here: Become a VIP of #NEZNATION: PODCAST: CONNECT with me on LinkedIn: NEED HELP?