mindset inspiration

How To Not Be Offended By Anyone Or Anything (BEST METHOD!)

How To Not Get Offended By Anything Or Anyone (Best Method!) Life tips on how to not be so easily offended by things. In this culture we live in now getting offended by anyone or anything is running amok. Completely out of control and its making your life and the lives around you miserable. I know this video will help! Thank you!

How To Not Get Offended By Anything Or Anyone (Best Method!) Life tips on how to not be so easily offended by things. In this culture we live in now getting offended by anyone or anything is running amok. Completely out of control and its making your life and the lives around you miserable.

Self Awareness Master Class: Why Is Self Awareness Important - Examples

I would submit that if you are lacking self awareness it is impossible to be successful, both professionally and personally. Know thyself has been the call to arms for ages as the cornerstone for leadership excellence in all its facets. In this Self Awareness Master Class we dive deep into how you can extrapolate this super power, really the only true super power you possess, so you can life your life to the fullest.

How can you develop real relationships if you don’t know who you are? How can you be the leader of a company if you don’t know who you are? How can you father a child, mother a child and bring them up so they can reach the apex of living a life of happiness and success if you don’t know who you truly are?

Is there anything more important than Self Awareness? I would argue that self awareness is the very epicenter to all feelings of aliveness and enrichment. This is why we consistently imbibe the mission statement here at #neznation of ‘bringing more humanness to this digitalness.”

In this video you will learn:

  1. Perspective

  2. Acceptance

  3. Identification

  4. Purpose

  5. Your True Narrative

  6. Comparative Dysfunction

  7. And more…

Please let me know your thoughts below and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you. I respond to all the comments. Thank you so much!

How to become self aware. Self Awareness Master Class. This is a channel brought to you by personal branding keynote speaker and coach, author, podcast host, livestreamer, mindset coach, career consultant, professional speaker, online course creator and writing professor Professor Nez.

Growth Mindset 2019: How To Create A Successful Mindset

Growth Mindset 2019, How to create a successful mindset in the new year - because if all you’re doing to build your personal brand, business and career is sticking to tactics and strategies without understanding the root of success - you’re in a world of trouble.

I don’t want you to start the new year off that way. In this livestream video we discuss the most important factor for success in life and business: adopting a growth mindset. What is a growth mindset? I hear that term everywhere Professor Nez, what in the world is it all about? What’s it got to do with me?

Please watch this video and find out exactly why I feel this is the epicenter of your success. Leave a comment and makes sure to share this out with someone who could use the help. Thank you!

Growth Mindset 2019, how to prepare your mindset in 2019. Success mindset 2019. Success motivation growth mindset 2019. mindset mastery.

Anxiety Thoughts And Feelings: Best Way To Handle Anxiety And Depression Minus Pills

This just might be the most important conversation I have ever had with someone on the topic of anxiety and panic attacks and how that can lead to depression if left unchecked. Anxiety and depression are real mental health issues and should not be taken lightly. Most of you know my story and know what I have been through and how much research, study, investigation and trial and error I have executed throughout the years to combat my own personal anxiety issues.

It all is distilled in this one video, I truly believe it when I say this may be the most powerful piece of content ever produced on the topic of anxiety and depression. I want to disclose that I am not a mental health clinician and if you are experiencing any mental health related issues please seek out medical advice. These are just the culmination and offering of my own experiences with anxiety and depression. I hope you get a whole lot of value from it. Let me know what your best tips and strategies are for dealing with anxiety and depression in the comments below. Thank you for watching!

What is the Importance of Education in our Life? Vlog8

In this Vlog you get a VIP glimpse of how I operate in the classroom conveying to my students the pillars of my message: why your education is valuable and important and what the importance of that education is and how it  should actively play in your life. A real education should be predicated upon the value it translates into our actual lives - not just a piece of paper. 

I truly hope you enjoy this vlog and please like and comment and let me know what you think about education and how it has affected your life. Thank you! 

What is the importance of education in our lives. Importance of education. Why is education important? How does education relate to the real world? In this Vlog I answer that and a whole lot more. I would love your comments!

Motivation Mindset

The most inspirational video ever about what's stopping you from success. Best motivational video ever. Inspirational video 2018. Video Recently uploaded video on how to get more engagement on your social media content: https://youtu.be/iV4qj2O9iJU Come join the conversation and help us bring more humanness to this digitalness: https://www.professornez.com PODCAST: https://www.professornez.com/podcast CONNECT with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/professornez/ NEED HELP?