brand management

How To Boost Brand Awareness For A New Business: Business Coaching Session

In this awesome business coaching video I discuss how to boost brand awareness for a new business with a student of mine who has a really cool app he’s created, that actually has a lot of potential but just needs a few pointers in the right direction.

If you or anyone you know needs some real, tangible, rock solid tips on how to increase your brand awareness marketing to get more traffic and attention you need to pay close attention to this business coaching session. It has tons of value and I know it will help you!

Let me know what your best ideas for brand awareness marketing are in the comments below. Thank you!

Brand awareness marketing is essential if you want to start a business. In this video I talk with a budding entrepreneur about how he can gain more awareness for his useful, patented app.

How To Craft A Brand Message That Gets Attention

This is the #1 factor that is turning your audience away from you and your brand message. You may not even realize you’re doing it.

In this video I cover what you can do to build a brand identity that is encapsulated in a properly crafted brand message that is perfect for you and your ideal audience. I would love your feedback and comments. Let me know if this was helpful. Thank you!

Business Brand or Personal Brand? Which One Should I Create?

If you're trying to figure out whether you should create a Personal Brand or a Business Brand, you don't want to miss this upcoming livestream on #NEZNATION LIVE. Branding yourself or your company has been a debate for a long time, especially in the online space, and I get this question a lot from you guys and finally here is the defintive answer.

This community, that gets together every Sunday at 2pm pst/ 5pm est, is chock full of insightful, intelligent, experienced trainers, coaches, business owners, content creators, livestreamers, storytellers, digital marketers, brand managers and just plain old fashioned awesome human beings.

Come hang out with us! Join the conversation. Listen and participate in the application of humanness to this digitalness. Meet and network with the top industry professionals and learn from the best!

Make sure you leave a comment below and let me know what you feel is more important and why? Do you think building a personal brand should be your top priority or should business brand always take center stage? I would love to hear from you. Thank you!

Uploaded by Professor Nez on 2018-10-20.

How to Leverage Your Personal Brand for Business Opportunities

How to leverage your personal brand to get business opportunities. How to build your personal brand. Personal branding tips. Branding social media. Come help us bring more humanness to this digitalness: Get Private One on One Coaching from Professor Nez here: Become a VIP of #NEZNATION: PODCAST: CONNECT with me on LinkedIn: ENROLL IN THE BEST ONLINE TRAINING MEMBERSHIP SITE: NEED HELP?