Social Media and Tech News: LinkedIn Live, Amazon Live, IGTV Vertical Video School (ep. 1)

Breaking Social Media and Tech news, updates and innovations with context and insights to help you and me create better brands, businesses and communities. This is a brand new livestream show I am adding to my programming this Spring and I am super excited about it. This is episode 1 y’all! Come on in!!

The premise for this show, and it may broadcast weekly or bi-weekly (still working it out), is to bring more background context to the latest Social Media and Tech releases to keep you informed and updated, but also it strives to act as thoughtful commentary on how we can utilize this information for our own content creation, personal brands, businesses and online reputations.

And you don’t just get me folks and all of my profound wisdom, oh no! You get to be a part of an unbelievable community of fellow business owners, content creators, livestreamers, podcasters, coaches, consultants, educators and more - in our amazing #neznation family. Won’t you join us?

Check out episode 1 below as we discuss the huge announcement by Linkedin, introducing live video streaming to their platform. Game Changer. Amazon just recently announced a live video streaming service on their platform and Instagram Television, otherwise known as IGTV, released news about a Vertical Video School and more features. It’s a pretty big moment for live video streaming. And most of you know how crazy I am about livestreaming. More like coco for coco puffs!

I hope you enjoy the pilot episode and let me know in the comments what you think of these big updates. I would love to know and I respond to all the comments. Thank you!